Some Interesting Boards
My partner and I like to practice against boards from tournaments,
so we can compare our results to the way the teams played them.
Here are a few we found challenging and had to play more than once (or twice).
- 2013 Vanderbilt Teams Championship, Quarterfinal B, Segment 1 of 4, Board 5
Game can be had, but can you bid it and can you make it?
- 2013 Vanderbilt Teams Championship, Quarterfinal B, Segment 1 of 4, Board 6
EW both have balanced hands and 27 HCP together, but it seems 3NT is not the best place to end up.
- 2013 Vanderbilt Teams Championship, Final, Segment 1 of 4, Board 2
Apparently, a slam by EW is makeable, but can you reach it?
- 2013 Nordic Junior Teams Final, Segment 3 of 3, Board 12
A similar problem to the previous board.
- 2013 Icelandic Team Championship, Segment 2 of 11, Board 19
EW can make game in Spades, but they will have to overcall and find the suit.
To use the BBO Hand Viewer, click the 'Next' button to step through the bidding
and tricks. Click 'Previous' to go back. Bids with annotation are highlighted
in yellow; click on the bid to see it--click again to make it disappear.
The Complete Scoreboards
- 2013 Vanderbilt Teams Final, St. Louis, 24-25 March 2013.
- 2013 Nordic Junior Teams Finals, Påsken, Norway, 30-31 March 2013.
- 2013 Icelandic Team Championship, Rejkyavik, Iceland, 25-28 April 2013.
- 2013 Swedish Teams Championship, Örebro, Sweden, 9-12 May 2013.
- 2013 Norwegian Clubs Team Final, Ålesund, Norway, 11 May 2013.
- Senior Camrose 2013, Cardiff, Wales, 17-19 May 2013.
- United States Bridge Championship, 2013, Orlando, Florida, 6-8 June 2013.