Richmond Bridge - Game Results

22 June 2013


N-S Pairs
1 11.5 63.9 3:David/Deborah
2 10.5 58.3 1:Janet/Richard
3 5.0 27.8 2:Chad/Laura
E-W Pairs
1 12.5 69.4 1:Georgia/Norm
2 9.0 50.0 3:Kathy/Sheri
3 5.5 30.6 2:Ellis/Philip


 N-S Pairs
Board 1 2 3
1 0.0 1.0 2.0
2 0.0 1.0 2.0
3 1.5 0.0 1.5
4 1.0 0.0 2.0
5 1.0 2.0 0.0
6 2.0 0.0 1.0
7 2.0 1.0 0.0
8 1.0 0.0 2.0
9 2.0 0.0 1.0
Total:10.5 5.011.5

 E-W Pairs
Board 1 2 3
1 2.0 0.0 1.0
2 2.0 0.0 1.0
3 0.5 0.5 2.0
4 0.0 2.0 1.0
5 2.0 0.0 1.0
6 1.0 2.0 0.0
7 1.0 0.0 2.0
8 2.0 1.0 0.0
9 2.0 0.0 1.0
Total:12.5 5.5 9.0

Board 1

Dealer: N, Vuln: None
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
4E 5 450 0.02.01:Janet/Richard1:Georgia/Norm
2NT E 3 150 1.01.02:Chad/Laura 3:Kathy/Sheri
2NT E 2 100 2.00.03:David/Deborah2:Ellis/Philip

Board 2

Dealer: E, Vuln: N-S
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
4♠ W 4 420 0.02.01:Janet/Richard1:Georgia/Norm
2♠ W 4 170 1.01.02:Chad/Laura 3:Kathy/Sheri
1S 2 110 2.00.03:David/Deborah2:Ellis/Philip

Board 3

Dealer: S, Vuln: E-W
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
5♣ S 5 400 1.50.51:Janet/Richard1:Georgia/Norm
2 W 1 100 0.02.02:Chad/Laura 3:Kathy/Sheri
4xW 2 400 1.50.53:David/Deborah2:Ellis/Philip

Board 4

Dealer: W, Vuln: Both
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
3♠ W 1 100 1.01.01:Janet/Richard3:Kathy/Sheri
2♠ W 2 110 0.02.02:Chad/Laura 2:Ellis/Philip
3♠ W 2 200 2.00.03:David/Deborah1:Georgia/Norm

Board 5

Dealer: N, Vuln: N-S
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
1NT S 3 150 1.01.01:Janet/Richard3:Kathy/Sheri
3NT N 4 630 2.00.02:Chad/Laura 2:Ellis/Philip
1NT N 1 100 0.02.03:David/Deborah1:Georgia/Norm

Board 6

Dealer: E, Vuln: E-W
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
3 E 3 110 2.00.01:Janet/Richard3:Kathy/Sheri
2xS 2 300 0.02.02:Chad/Laura 2:Ellis/Philip
2NT W 2 120 1.01.03:David/Deborah1:Georgia/Norm

Board 7

Dealer: S, Vuln: Both
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
4♠ N 5 650 2.00.01:Janet/Richard2:Ellis/Philip
2♠ N 7 260 1.01.02:Chad/Laura 1:Georgia/Norm
2♠ N 5 200 0.02.03:David/Deborah3:Kathy/Sheri

Board 8

Dealer: W, Vuln: None
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
4 S 3 150 1.01.01:Janet/Richard2:Ellis/Philip
3♠xx E 3 760 0.02.02:Chad/Laura 1:Georgia/Norm
2♠ E 3 140 2.00.03:David/Deborah3:Kathy/Sheri

Board 9

Dealer: N, Vuln: E-W
ContractByMadeDownNorth SouthMatchpointsPairs
Net plusNet minusN-SE-WN-SE-W
6♠ W 2 200 2.00.01:Janet/Richard2:Ellis/Philip
5 E 5 400 0.02.02:Chad/Laura 1:Georgia/Norm
2NT W 2 120 1.01.03:David/Deborah3:Kathy/Sheri

Matchpoint scoring for Mitchell Pairs

At this game we used Mitchell movement: The North-South pairs remained stationary and, after each round, the East-West pairs moved to the next higher-numbered table and the boards moved to the next lower-numbered table. We played nine boards in three rounds and each East-West pair had an opportunity to play against each North-South pair.

When Mitchell movement is used, there are two winning pairs: one from the North-South group and one from the East-West group. Because the boards may be unbalanced, the North-South scores are only compared with each other, not against East-West.

In matchpoint scoring, on each board, a pair gets one matchpoint for each other pair that scored fewer points with the same cards and ½ matchpoint for each other pair that scored the same number of points.

At this game, each board was played at three tables. If, on a given board, there are different scores at each table, the N-S pair with the highest score receives two matchpoints, the N-S pair with the lowest score receives zero matchpoints, and the N-S pair with the middle score receives one.

The matchpoints for E-W pairs are calculated in the same way: the highest-scoring E-W pair receives two matchpoints, the lowest-scoring E-W pair receives zero matchpoints, and the middle-scoring E-W pair receives one.

If there is a tie, the matchpoints are split. For example, on Board 3, the same score was obtained at two tables. The two N-S pairs, who tied for the high score, each received 1.5 matchpoints. The two E-W pairs, who tied for the low score (among E-W pairs) each received 0.5 matchpoints.

If there had been a board on which the same score was obtained at all three tables, each pair (both N-S and E-W) would have received 1 matchpoint.

The percentage score is calculated by dividing the total number of matchpoints that each pair received by the maximum number of matchpoints that they could have received. In this case, everyone played 9 boards. The maximum number of matchpoints that any pair could get on each board is 2, so the number of matchpoints available is 18. If there had been a pair that played eight boards--as almost happened--their matchpoints would have been divided by 16 to get a percentage score.

In a sanctioned game where masterpoints are awarded, the percentage scores would be used to determine the ranking and the highest-ranked pairs from each group would receive masterpoints.